I would like to show you what stuffs I'm making in game related things in my art subjects in
SDA. Without the knowledge of art modeling an object or characters in games it would be definitely hard to make those characters in games and so art subjects are really important.
So going back to my art related subjects here's some of my related game design or models drawings:
Here's on of my drawing of a game cover and haven't finished with it yet
as you can see here's a proof that art subjects enhances our ability
to create a game ideas and i did put my signature to really show that
it's my work. |
This is my drawing too a character in pointillism/ stippling
and I did this one to conceptualize also a girl for a game
character. |
I can't show other works because my prof. in SDA haven't returned it yet and so the last picture I'll show you is the conceptualize idea of our team in the game created and here's the scetch:
The drawing is created by one of my teammates and the wordings was
conceptualize by most of us and it's like a plan to the whole game. |
Before while I'm taking COMPFUN, I myself also conceptualizes games and my inspiration about it comes from those art class that I took up. Here in COMPFUN I learned about
ALICE (http://www.alice.org/) and it's pretty easy using this program because models and keys aren't hard coded just drag and drop to obtain it. Alice is like a basic in programming a game and also helping young programmers of games to conceptualize.
The above picture shows an example run in Alice. It uses 3D
models and so it is a lot cooler to play and conceptualize with it. |